Command line utility

dataknead includes the knead command line utility you can use for simple conversion of data formats.

knead cities.csv cities.json

Will transform a filed called cities.csv to a file called cities.json and is equivalent to this piece of Python code


knead can also be used as a quick way of viewing the contents of a file, just give it an input file

knead cities.csv

This is equivalant to


You can also specify the input and output formats, when those are not available in the file extension, or if you want to overwrite them. This is useful in combination with the --stdin option, which allows you to take data from stdin and directly transform output from a HTTP API to something else.

For example, this API request gives you back a JSON summary of the article for Amsterdam on the English Wikipedia.


Piping that into dataknead using --stdin and -if json gives you a nicely formatted file

curl | knead --stdin -if json

All options

You’ll see this when running knead -h

usage: knead [-h] [-v] [--input-format INPUT_FORMAT]
             [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--stdin]
             [input] [output]

Fluently process and convert data formats like JSON and CSV

positional arguments:
  input                 Input file
  output                Output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Show debug information
  --input-format INPUT_FORMAT, -if INPUT_FORMAT
                        Input format
  --output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT, -of OUTPUT_FORMAT
                        Output format
  --stdin               Take data from stdin (requires --input-format)