Source code for dataknead.loaders.excel

from dataknead.baseloader import BaseLoader
from .util import get_fieldnames, sniff_type, SnifferType
import openpyxl

[docs]class ExcelLoader(BaseLoader): EXTENSIONS = ["xlsx"] # Convert a openpyxl sheet to a dict / list we can use to convert to # other formats like json/csv def _sheet_to_dict(sheet, has_header): data = [] rows = list(sheet.rows) if has_header: # If has_header is True, we assume the first row is a header header = [c.value for c in rows[0]] for row in rows[1:]: values = [c.value for c in row] data.append( dict(zip(header, values)) ) else: # Otherwise, just return a simple list of lists for row in rows: data.append([ c.value for c in row ]) return data @staticmethod def read(f, has_header = False, **kwargs): wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(, **kwargs) if len(wb.sheetnames) == 1: # Only a single sheet, so return that as a list return ExcelLoader._sheet_to_dict(, has_header) else: # Multiple sheets, return as a dict with sheet names as keys data = {} for sheet in wb: data[sheet.title] = ExcelLoader._sheet_to_dict(sheet, has_header) return data @staticmethod def write(f, data): # We use the same logic here for writing to an Excel file as with CSV's wb = openpyxl.Workbook() sheet = data_type = sniff_type(data) # We wrap the append method so that we can catch errors and save # a string representation if all else failes def append(row): try: sheet.append(row) except Exception as e: print(f"Could not save data properly to Excel, saving a string representation") sheet.append([ str(row) ]) if data_type == SnifferType.list_with_dicts: append(get_fieldnames(data)) for row in data: append(list(row.values())) elif data_type in (SnifferType.list_with_lists, SnifferType.single_list): for row in data: append(row) elif data_type == SnifferType.single_dict: append(list(data.keys())) append(list(data.values()))